
Abide in Christ: Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

In 31 meditations on John 15:1–2, Andrew Murray explores what Jesus meant when he said “Abide in me.” Murray illuminates that command in connection with the Parable of the Vine and—step-by-step—uncovers how the promise-precept is meant for us, how surely grace is provided to enable us to obey it, how indispensible the experience of its blessing is to a healthy Christian life, and how fruitful the...

‘I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I also am apprehended of Christ Jesus.’—PHIL. 3:12. MORE than one admits that it is a sacred duty and a blessed privilege to abide in Christ, but shrinks back continually before the question: Is it possible, a life of unbroken fellowship with the Saviour? Eminent Christians, to whom special opportunities of cultivating this grace have been granted, may attain to it: for the large majority of disciples, whose
Pages 28–29